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Our projects  are related to the development of digital literacy, as well as the promotion of science and research on digitalisation and its impact on work and society.

Startup Development Team

Understanding disinformation

​In the BMBF-funded project "DESIVE² - Understanding Disinformation Behaviour", we are investigating underlying mechanisms of the spread of supposedly scientific disinformation in the health sector.


Intro - Internet Search Communication

In the "Intro" project, we support people with a refugee biography and migrants in finding information on the labour market online and teach them the basic digital skills required for this.

Workshops for multipliers

We offer digital literacy workshops for multipliers who work in the social sector or are active in integration work.


 Digital lab

We have our own fully equipped digital laboratory for creating digital teaching materials and providing courses online.


Completed projects.

Digital Initial

In the ESF-funded project "Digital Initial", we promote the digital skills of refugees and gender equality in a digitalised world in Berlin Neukölln. More information

Digital Participaton

The project "Digital Participation" is financed by the Integration Fund and provides support with digitalisation for other projects in the district of Friedrichshain-Kreuzberg. More information

Intro – Internet Recherche Kommunikation

Das Projekt "Intro" vermittelt digitale Fähigkeiten, die Menschen mit Flucht- und Migrationsgeschichte benötigen, um in Deutschland eine Arbeit zu finden. Das Projekt wurde initial finanziert von The Digital Collective (DigiCo) und anschließend vom Hamburger Spendenparlament. Im Rahmen des Projektes haben wir einen innovativen Online-Kurs "Arbeit finden mit Computer und Internet" entwickelt, der zugeschnitten ist auf unsere Zielgruppe und deren Lebensrealität berücksichtigt. Mehr Informationen

Contact us.

Would you like to learn more about us or our work? Would you like to book a workshop for your institution? Are you looking for cooperation partners? Write to us!

Grenzenlos Digital e.V.

Rollbergstraße 28A

12053 Berlin

© 2024 by Grenzenlos Digital e.V.

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